"Dirty Johnny”

"Miss Chief"




Ada Argyle

Ada is the bitter, solitary vampire type. She prefers to immerse herself in the fictions of TV shows than connecting to real people. She’s a huge fan of sci-fi/fantasy & animated shows, the more unrealistic the better. She makes ends meet by selling weed and doing an occasional bounty hunting job. Also, despite her icy demeanor, she has a strong sense of honor and justice.

Antoine Anton

A friendly werewolf that Hank befriended at the Big Bad’s, the bar where he works. He’s opted to take Hank under his wing.

Charles Knoble

Emcee of "The Pit"



Gustav von Heiden

Hank Woolsey

Hank is a passionate idealist and wears her heart on her sleeve. She can easily be overwhelmed which can occasionally lead to fainting. She doesn’t like to rock the boat, but will speak out if something isn’t right. She is also an out lesbian, left-wing liberal, and a tree-hugging vegetarian, but she’s too nice to be snooty about it. Also,she loves her surly cat, Macintosh.

Jen Jamison



Hank's tiny car.


Macintosh is Hank’s finicky Scottish Fold. He loves Hank and food, but maybe not necessarily in that order. He is also suspicious of Ada.

Marta Salazar

Mick Murphy

Murphy is the bitter, old werewolf that thoughtlessly turned Hank while being hunted by Ada for the bounty over his head. He is unaware that Hank that even survived that encounter.

Molly Yamamoto

Mr. Brown



Siran Krikorian